Friday, June 11, 2010

Cruisy Gyms Raleigh Nc

linker running gag

The crisis is driving at the weekend once again the people on the street. It's less about claims as an attempt to establish more offensive protest.

comment by Lutz Getzschmann

"We do not pay for your crisis" The theme is nothing more than a helpless letter of intent, if only because we will just pay for the crisis - and that's not too tight. However, it has become a running joke left mobilization professionals, their resistance against the passing of the crisis burden on wage earners and want to show the unemployed. Also on Saturday will again go against the savings of thousands of government plans on the road. Stuttgart and Berlin are the places to which is mobilized nationwide. The claims of the call center are more defensive in nature and in part contradictory. They oscillate between Keynesianism and anti-capitalism, financial sector regulation and radical reduction of working hours. They are a mixture from which everyone can pick out something with the will but no one really happy. On Indymedia, then, all have voices that encourage provocative to on 12 June would prefer to populate the lakes, rather than to a "dwarf Demo" the "state-supporting left to participate."

For those who still refer to the social realities, the question arises, what should it be the alternative to this kind protests crisis. Set fire to garbage containers? A letter box blow up? Or organize one of those little fine Demos' work for wages, "is the radical left which together?

Many leftists have become accustomed to making their participation in this or that demonstration depends on whether they like the call, and less of what is actually the cause. This critical view of ideology, in which arises only satisfied if at the end of a hearty "For the Kommunsimus," stands, has long since degenerated into Klimbim identity. It is folklore that has to do with a radical critique of social relations any more, because they can not relate to real social movement. A recommendation could instead: go, mitdemonstrieren critical if it requires the spiritual welfare, even with its own flyer or banner. It is crucial to existing struggles involved, even if they are still so depressing and weak. Radicalization processes start in a place where people experience and thereby provide concrete seemingly self-evident in question. Do not start reading the Leaflet, which reveals the fetish figures of the capitalist relations of production, or a visit to the capital-reading course. This step may come later.

On Saturday, it is not the DGB and the union leadership of IG Metall and Verdi, who go on the road, no all-powerful machines that are struggling with mass mobilizations to representation and acceptance within the sphere of power. These are the parts of the trade unions that are oriented to social mobilization, together with Attac, various migrant organizations and unemployed groups. The calling and mobilizing trade union branches have understood that it is for them Canned is lost. Even last year, the DGB unions are again declined by more than 100 000 members. Against the impending crash that moving to a culture of aggressive protest requires a change to the trade union apparatus is apparently not able to. Where the left-oriented forces to help the movement, the way out of the negotiating rooms and back rooms to find back on the road, they also help themselves

Published in: Jungle World, 10 June 2010


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