Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Daily Sport Dvd Pin Today

Background Flexi Fuel Vehicles # E10

In some American countries for a long time even offered E85 - and bought. Recently, moreover, in Sweden. Cars for these markets are especially prepared: Everything that comes into contact with the fuel must be from the alcohol can. The tank must be higher, because ethanol has less energy content. The fuel pump needs more fuel and is therefore designed to promote greater.

It gets even added a requirement: As it can in these countries is no nationwide offer E85, and the deals vary in time, the car must also make do with lower ethanol or methanol content and even use pure gasoline. The fuel pump must therefore depend the alcohol content, promote more or less.

The amount of fuel and ignition timing must be adjusted depending on the alcohol content. To make this all could be controlled, had an appropriate alcohol sensor to be invented. This consists of an electrical capacitor, its capacitance changes depending on alcohol content. He is a co-invention of Siemens, Daimler and Volkswagen. Meanwhile, the alcohol content can also be determined from the exhaust gas, the oxygen sensor can make today.

The ethanol ratio always remains below 100% because a pure alcohol Difficult starting. So when you mix a minimum of fuel, so that the car starts cold.

Furthermore, as the weekend has been the head of BMW mechanics developer announced, the engine oil to the alcohol content of the fuel to be adjusted. And at the end of the chain and the catalyst.

This flexible or multi-fuel capability is perhaps eventually called up? For the car manufacturer a conversion to ethanol or methanol is much cheaper than the development of hybrid and electric drives. However, as already reported this morning, the CO2 balance of the ethanol used very specifically. As long as we grow extra food for gewpnnen is hardly anything. What

but from above it may already suspect, the compatibility of alcohol in the car has developed a purely be. The compatibility must apply long term. It should not come to life shortening of the motor or increased wear.

the way Brazil has experienced some turbulence with the acceptance and the availability of its original E85. First, there were strong incentives. Then, the demand grew so strong, because people switch to ethanol engines, ethanol that Brazil had to buy abroad. The price rose and demand fell again. You can tell you is what a high standard of our supply of gasoline and diesel strictly defined places. Our engines are highly optimized in this country to these specifications.

What bugs me on the issue is that I have every two years, an attack of ward policy needs to take to drive my car may continue. And this despite all the laws and regulations to bring anything: My car does not emit particulate matter increased (because there is no diesel), but I had endless running around the green because of the badge. Then came E5 and I had to search again. Now comes E10, which brings the price structure in motion again, with upward trend.

Sources: Wikipedia , Volkswagen

Monday, March 7, 2011

Best Flat Iron Under 100

on biological and animal feed Auto

Auto feed
is the requirement of the EU to reduce CO2 emissions from cars by 10%. The original idea for it to blend ethanol into gasoline, comes from a certain amount of usable ethanol, was obtained in the existing agricultural "eh". And since you have so anticipated: renewable raw materials, we call that grow as fast as we consume them. Then you have that is a balance between production and consumption of CO2. For it is that a plant when it is burned emits as much CO2 as it has removed the growth from the atmosphere. The 10% ethanol in gasoline car that is not counted as CO2 emissions. Nothing so simple as the ethanol content in gasoline to increase just always on?

No, because that applies only to "Eh-da" plants. As soon as you start to build a targeted and so extensively to fertilize, or plant even at the other end of the world to grow and then transport them to Europe, from the degenerates quickly into nonsense. practiced on a large scale, all produced a CO2 surplus and it takes literally by his consumption of agricultural land to other peoples, not only the margarine on bread, but the bread with the same.

Today's large-scale produce "biofuel ethanol to give long term, is almost as if you pump up into as large scale water on one side of a mountain to the waterfall on the other mountain side, a hydroelectric plant to power and the whole self-soothing "renewable" call.

ethanol fuels are therefore only there and only on site-a strategy that works for the reduction of CO2 emissions, and, incidentally, to reduce their own dependence on oil, where there is "eh" excess acreage for renewable resources. In Brazil, for example, no one builds electric cars, but "Multifuel" engines. They are designed so robust that one purely because everything can overturn what drives when burning a piston in a cylinder. Of course, one could block such engines in Europe. Our engines are now also ready for LPG, and E10. But for the reasons mentioned above should be the latest on E "10" end. Rather, at E5.

So it is not strategically to increase the ethanol content in gasoline to reduce its carbon emissions.

we come to another resource which is "anyway" was published offal as a meat meal. This must in the EU so can not be used as animal feed to prevent diseases such as mad cow disease and Kreutzfeld-Jacob, which are triggered by degenerated proteins. I've simplified the states are as follows: Animals should not eat animals, otherwise they are weak-minded. (Similar to the gene pool.) But that's not so common. Animals are only vulnerable to light degenerated proteins from their own kind to me as an engineer immediately, because computers are only vulnerable to viruses that have been developed for their operating system. Other viruses simply do not work.

Then we could go then, and allow meat and bone meal as animal feed again, just not the same kind that sent the meal. Mixing should be prohibited.

That would be worth it for our CO2 footprint. For the offal "anyway". If you build vegetable animal feed to extra costs which in turn area, fertilizer, and above all, money. All over the world uses one slaughterhouse waste as animal feed, therefore, not only in the EU.

What we are much more likely than meat consumers need a labeling of meat and sausage with information on the following production stages (ethical factors in here taken equal to): 1 Was acceptable food uses? 2. We were kept animals? 3. How was it slaughtered?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

24v Nimh Baterry Charger Schematic


MIchael Stipe: "I live in New York in the 20th century in order to attend the 21st century, I travel into the heart of Europe to Berlin..."
Here is his explanation:

How To Become Bang Bro

Something different in the Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ford Remote Start Replacement

Earn yesterday was

The DGB has presented a study on temporary work. Meanwhile, the precarious employment of many wage-earners has become commonplace.

Lutz Getzschmann

appearance in Jungle World of 17 February 2011


J you work on call and earn significantly less than permanent employees. Even if they are in a full-time employment, temporary workers have to make do with a salary that barely more than half the regular rate of pay accounts. This is the result of a study conducted by the DGB has presented in early February. Not only low hourly wages contribute to the precarious situation of workers in the temporary agencies, but also for example the working time or non-payment of overtime pay. More than 60 percent of agency staff have completed professional training. Although they are often not according to their qualifications are used, they are not unqualified for the temporary agency for employment.

In 2009 the average gross monthly salary of temporary staff was in the former West Germany in 1456 € a month in East Germany and Berlin, it was even only 1224 €. In the same period the median was Gross income of all full-time workers in 2805 €. Nationwide, 10.5 percent were all full-time temporary workers to less than 1 000 € gross per month, in the East there were even 21 percent. Another 20 percent earned only 1001-1200 €, in the East there are also more than a quarter. 13.1 percent of all social insurance agency staff employed are dependent on additional support from ALG II. This proportion has increased by 60 percent within a year.

addition to these results is not the DGB-consuming field research study, but by a simple analysis of the pay statistics the Federal Employment Agency. So far, no one had made this effort, there are no more differentiated according to data from the wages of temporary staff. The study reveals for the first time, that agency now has a significant influence on wage labor in Germany. The conclusion of the authors is unambiguous. "Temporary work is no longer just used it to catch operating order peaks, but more and more press also to wage a strong cost and undermine collective bargaining arrangements in the use of companies'

Alarming results also brought a survey of IG Metall in 5150 works. Their claims to represent the companies again reinforced. Additional employment is thereby almost six times more often covered by temporary and fixed-term contracts than permanent settings. 85 percent of companies use an additional demand on precarious jobs, of which 43 percent to 42 percent on temporary work and temporary contracts. The crisis has accelerated the restructuring of the labor market, with the associated an attack on the "normal employment".

goods in 2008, the first contract workers who were laid off during the economic crisis, were now employed in Germany again about 825 000 temporary workers. By the use of short-time work could be avoided mass layoffs, the decline in employment was mainly at the expense of hired workers from temporary agencies. Immediately after the end of the short-notice work already 20 percent of the works that permanent staff have been replaced by contract workers. In companies with 1000-2000 employees, this development is most evident.

The unions are beginning to recognize that the boom in temporary employment a threat to collective standards is the core and its position in the companies and their fighting ability fundamentally into question. Even 2007, the DGB board member Claus Matecki given in this question of capital-friendly and supportive attitude. "If a company three to four percent of temporary workers are employed is, however, nothing to say. But this figure is often exceeded by far with 20 or even 30 percent, "said Matecki. For the company that was ultimately not a wise decision. "Because with the melting of the core workforce is a lot of know-how is lost. But just that makes the strength of the German economy. "

Accordingly, the campaigns presented for" fairness "in the agency who had developed especially Verdi and IG Metall. The collective community of the DGB-time work with employers in the industry agreed collective agreements are somewhat higher than the Christians of the "unions" agreed rules. But with a gross hourly wage from the current 7.60 euros and 6.65 euros in the west to the east in the lower segments have to speak here of wage dumping. The loudly demanded by the DGB unions minimum wage for the temporary employment sector can only be described as a bad joke at such rate lower limits.

At least, the DGB has now not with the cheap competition to deal with yellow unions. In mid-December, called the Federal Labour Court, the Christian Union for temporary employment and personnel service agencies (CGZP) as incapable of collective and stated thus their infamous house wage agreements void.

Some temporary workers who were previously employed on the basis of such dumping agreements, now want to sue retroactively for the labor courts the same pay that was given to the permanent staff at the premises in which they were used. Representatives from Verdi estimate that nationwide 300000-400000 employee entitlements to reimbursement of the wage difference. Entrepreneurs and community media fear now numerous processes and payments in the billions.

Were the major unions now the subject of temporary agency to the limit of compromise shown by requiring only "Equal Pay", we are starting to appear willing to at least verbally radical tone to strike. In the past, interest in temporary workers was rather low. Their interest in unionization was considered low and the industrial action against employment agencies were difficult. Meanwhile, things look different, temporary and other precarious forms of employment have become an integral part of employment relationships. Insecurity and deprivation of rights at work are for a significant proportion of the workforce a reality.

The DGB is now calling for a nationwide day of action under the motto "work - safe and fair" on 24 February on. That wage dumping and precarious employment to be made the subject is a step forward. But that the union leadership still can not bring itself to a fundamental rejection of temporary work is disturbing, given the explosiveness of the topic to the bases of any form of union countervailing power in the workplace.

The call for action on the request made for equal pay for equal work does have the practical tariff policies of the unions out, but the real threat to the repeal and worker participation by temporary employment and temporary employment hardly do justice.