Friday, May 14, 2010

Angus Rigby Td Securities

discipline, colleague!

In the last council elections were chosen in the automobile industry at several locations, union lists left in the bodies . Opposition members of the IG Metall union threatened with expulsion proceedings.

Lutz Getzschmann

IG Metall is facing many problems: the loss of members has still not stopped, wide collective agreements are just at a patchwork in the supplier industries, and since the crisis it is blowing in the tariff policy is an icy wind in the face. Meanwhile, speculation its leadership, especially the national chairman Berthold Huber, ever on new models of "employee participation" and praises to the union as a junior partner of management in the struggle for the business location Germany. The organization is between co-management and class war torn, as against the social partnership course of the trade union apparatus joined forces in their own ranks, and this above all where to get the workers the adverse consequences of cozies hardest hit: in the large enterprises of the automotive industry.

new is not. Already in the seventies, there was opposition Works lists in several automotive plants, Founded in 1972, such as the poster Group at Daimler in Stuttgart-Untertuerkheim, whose members were expelled promptly from the IG Metall. This did not prevent her from getting up as an independent list in the eighties, in works council elections to 40 percent of the vote. Or about the Group "Resistance without borders" (GoG) at Opel Bochum, which was for decades a center of class struggle and opposition operational work, without which there would be fights such as the "wild" strike 2004 does not have happened.

Such groups were usually, if the utility lines interwoven with the institutional trade union leadership in conflict situations against the interests certain groups of employees acted, especially when it came to changes in the automobile production and recomposition of the workforce. Although they traditionally in continuous loggerheads with the trade union apparatus were, and is running on opposition council lists, the activists were mostly not from the IG Metall. Finally, they thought of themselves as protagonists of a grass-roots renewal of their union. At the same time developed 1969-1973, a wave of labor disputes that had nothing to do with the ritualized forms of industrial action the union bureaucracy. These were then channeled by the union in part, some fought fiercely. In this context, then Measures intra-union opposition groups launched. Thus, ruled 1971-1976 on the basis of inconsistency resolutions 344 members of the IG Metall.

One might think that in recent years, the old conflicts were defused. had so been eliminated from this year's council election at the Daimler plant Untertürkheim the representatives of the opposition group "alternative" to an independent candidacy and instead a candidate on the list of IG Metall. This had previously asserted necessarily willing to tolerate the operation of the opposition newspaper. Too strong so far in ten of 45 council seats Left trade union represented here, as the IG Metall Headquarters with them would be finished. Of the 34 metals in the new works are now nine of the "alternative attributable." In other works have existed for several years of opposition lists. Quite a few candidates under the name "alternative" and refer to the example of the Untertürkheimer.

The results of council elections this year, a total mixed. While the "alternative" at the Sindelfingen plant could win only one seat, was the same group in Hamburg for five seats. As a result there, the IG Metall official list had lost its absolute majority. The "alternative" Daimler plant in Kassel in turn fell from six to four seats, and at Opel in Bochum is the traditional GoG first time in 38 years no longer be represented on the council.

was particularly competitive, the works council at the Daimler plant in Berlin-Marie Felde, a comparatively small with 2 500 employees and also shrinking location. There had already been strong tensions before the elections. So the council majority Saturday and had accepted other forms of flexibility, in return, Daimler's commitment that a certain level of production would be kept. The critical works being observed in the agreement process does not even included. Preceded the that the three opposition in the body, Mustafa Efe, Waldemar Derda and Fehmiye Utku, the policy of the council majority, sharply attacked, as they would in consequence, especially job losses, wage cuts and more work stress. The IG Metall union countered with threats of exclusion and collected signatures in operation for the resignation of the opposition in the council.

developed this way in March, the council election in a referendum Marie Felde of the basic thrust of the work of work. For the first time there was a list rather than a personal choice, and the competing "alternative" could win five seats, compared with 15 of the IG Metall official list - a clear vote for a strong left-company opposition. So while in some colleagues who fear the crisis in the automotive industry for their job to gather the institutionalized IG-Metall-break apparatus, elsewhere on the contradictions that are oppositional, class-struggle groups strengthened.

IG Metall now seems a concerted campaign against the Left opposition to prepare. In Berlin, Kassel and Sindelfingen to expulsion proceedings against the "alternatives" to be initiated. An appeal against this target procedure was signed within a few days of over 400 colleagues, and the collection of signatures continues. The threatened Exclusions could be here for the trade union apparatus prove a boomerang. For the campaign of solidarity for those affected is more likely to better co-operation of the "alternatives" and the intra-union opposition.

In Berlin, the conflict is replaced by more topical by that more critical voices exist within the IG Metall, which is apparently some want to get rid of the boards in the same time. Thus, as the AK internationalism had asked the IG Metall Berlin not only open to the threatened exclusion of opposition trade unionists, but he also exerted sharp criticism of the ban on trade union activity for the FAU and the behavior of Verdi functionaries in the conflict of the syndicalists and the Berlin Kino Babylon Mitte. The deputy chairman of the DGB-district Berlin Brandenburg, Christian Hoßbach sent, then a complaint letter to the first representative of IG Metall Berlin, Arno Hager. In it he described the boundaries of union solidarity attitude of the AK internationalism "easy said than divisive," the AK internationalism had "expressed in terms of organization-political competition." This is an accusation in the room that is like as a "trade-injurious behavior" rated. And that is well known, often to the exclusion process acknowledged.

Published in: Jungle World, 12.5. 2010


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