Dear Friends Panama,
hardly an expatriate does not think about it, to be supplied with vegetables from the garden when he emigrated. Without a doubt, are also their own experiences of earlier years from the garden bear. But in the tropics it is a little different, actually as easy and is the total income and the income, if you look at the climatic conditions and adapting uses them, bigger, better and more all year round.
enough in my experience for each person an area of 10 m2 to constantly eat fresh vegetables from the garden can, after the traditional soil planting, seen here in the rest nowhere. Who creates the following described DUO raised bed with compost needs, per person can be expected only 4m2 to 5 m2 and harvesting under these climatic conditions here more than it can consume.
Who would like to create a garden, as he knows him from his old home, must face some pitfalls. In particular, is not calculable to get to grips with monsoon rain, if not everything has to be washed away. So you have to, if you do not want to chance that cover the garden from rain (eg, PVC corrugated sheets, transparent or not) and even water, but that is not well regarded as work. Advantage over earlier: With the heat you can not no problem, of course with the lush growth bend down, a thing of the past. Incidentally, even for novices who have never had a garden, easy to operate.
There is also the option to create a raised bed, so that the excess Eliminates stooping. Now, a raised bed is basically nothing new. The best on the market model is the raised bed Ursula an Austrian manufacturer. Below, I give you the link, you can watch it in the video. I do not have this patch developed, invented 20 years ago so to speak. But everyone can rebuild it, so more details here.
Such a raised bed (in my DUO method), combines the advantage of raised beds with a large composter. I was already in Spain in the 80s, but in the local latitude, the yield much larger. The base connects this border while the eco-Gärtonne with the overlying vegetable patch, an organic compost that will do the tasks themselves, you only have to top up waste.
Now I'm not a great artist, so I must verbalizing everything and hope I'll understand (maybe there's someone who can make those sketches?). Here the first section of such a high-beds of compost..
Click on the image so that it increases
Click on the image so that it increases
(drawing from those interested in this brilliant flower bed can write to me.
The Duo-Bed will soon be offered as Fertigbeet and then can be obtained also. Price on request)
the structure seen here. In the lower part of logs are placed, keep the venue for many years the rotting process (by year by adding new openings provided). Three plastic tubes with a diameter of 20 cm are in the middle in the bed to the bottom edge of the turf and up about 30 cm into the open. They are used to fill the daily waste and a Lid is kept closed. I think we understand the rest of the function and structure.
The lightweight roof that will keep the rain can, on days when no rain is expected to be folded or rolled up. Such beautiful plastic plates, as in the raised bed Ursula are good here, nothing that would heat the interior too large, the plants would burn. At best, I am thinking about it, set up a wire mesh protective case curved to keep the coal fly and other pests to .
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