Friday, June 25, 2010

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rain, temperatures and mosquitoes

I'll post you what I've written about this topic to asker:

continuous rain does not exist. It is known to be harsh on the Caribbean coast the climate is, the colonization of much thinner, but I can only report hearsay, because there hardly anyone want to go. Have a look a map of Panama, because not everyone knows the coasts.

The Pacific coast is densely populated and the climate is far more pleasant. As for rain
general terms, I really wanted to write this here it rains in the morning and never just this morning I experienced the first time: a rain early in the morning so it started at 8 clock. And that lasted unusually long, about 1 1 / 2 hours, but he was not violent, according to a German rain, as we know it.

Normal there is, with such exceptions, always in the afternoon, if at all, and then it rains mostly between 14-16 Clock, usually violently, usually 10 minutes to half an hour. Wonderful, I enjoy that!

The difference between the lower-lying country (such as at sea level) to Boquete / Chiriqui is that there are so 2 times weekly rates (in winter, June to October), in Chiriqui it rains more often general, especially in Boquete almost every day and there are also more small earthquakes. Boquete lies at an altitude of about 1,000 meters and has a milder climate (16-28 ° C annual average). The area is preferred by the American retirees, therefore there are also the prices for everything, you pay twice as much as here in the lowlands. Also a preferred area is Antón, from the valley Valle de Antón , about 150 km from Panama.

are In the lowlands, temperatures average between 24-26 ° C at night, by day 28 ° C to 32 ° C, in the middle of my barometer almost always around 28-29 ° C, usually in the morning at 26 ° C with a humidity of 60-80%, the same evening. But temperatures should not be seen as absulut size, critical the winds (wind chill, see Wikipedia) and the humidity.

runs with me always a fan (the house) when I'm sitting on the terrace, I need some wind (breeze), if it is to be pleasant, because strong winds are barely here, storms I never seen, known severe weather, as in Europe, it is not here. At night I have a small air conditioner in the bedroom, but the point of hardly sufficient for even a ventilator at night and fans need little power (50W / h), but without at least a ventilator at night is not it pleasant.
What I lack is a swimming pool, but that's another story, I'm going to have a To build because it is very pleasant moments when one is several times a day to jump in. can (and healthy).

course, that you do not need hot water for baths and showers, which would be a significant expense. And how often one takes a shower a day, is individual, most people here once a day. It is primarily for the refreshment.

Now for the mosquitoes. The normal mosquitoes are far more rare here than in Spain for example, in my experience, flying less than in Germany. But even robbed a mosquito in the bedroom one night. So I think it is this: The first year I had as a rookie undefiled a mosquito net, but I was not really cause a nuisance, even though locals (in the country) have such a Moscitera often. Then I slept long time without Moscitera, but was bitten by the mosquitoes at night, which pleased my body not in the beginning, but later stitches, my body will hardly registered.

I do it now as my neighbor Just before bedtime I inject a little fly spray, a compromise, since then absolute silence. In the evening I put out once in a smoke-tip, do not accept the beasts also (I do it but also because I love the smell). You must also know that a fly or mosquito no breeze may, therefore, never staying with fans running to carry as little in cool air conditioning.

Returning to the roofs, you will see for yourself when you come to Panama that night (illuminated) terraces are widely used because it is cooler and more comfortable outside than inside (if you will not necessarily television). And then look at the light sources to immediately notify the geckos. I will, for example by burning a 5 Watt bulb at night, I see no flies or mosquitoes as well, but always present are 1-2 geckos.
No, no escape into the house because many or too many mosquitoes. Mosquitoes and flies - and I emphasize it again - here are very few and not a pest. Who says such things, talking nonsense. a fly-wire lining the outside, but no one here but I will try again: A good suggestion I'll check it out at my new house is even.

As for the dengue mosquito concerned that there is, of course, my neighbor, I asked after today, because this really is not something else, she has described to me exactly, but it has not yet seen, except in pictures. But the risk is small, because this guy looks for pools or standing water bodies (standing water reservoirs, so bucket of water or moist plant pots. Ponds are to be avoided and therefore to be avoided and if Here's a puddle somewhere, forms the same day authorities are quick to the point, which must immediately be corrected and avoided.

the way: There are Vorbeugeinjektionen against it, but I myself have not paid any prevention ever, even in Spain and not because the mosquito problem is relatively large and uncomfortable. Do not make everyone like me.
greeting Ramiro


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