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Saturday, June 26, 2010
What The Different Between Microsuede
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Friday, June 25, 2010
Tickling Sorority Initiation
On the way into the Northland we have stocked up in Kaiwaka leckerstem with cheese, unfortunately a bit expensive at $ 120, -/kg. For dinner we had a cheese plate in the Little Earth Lodge in Whangarei. The LEL is a stylish and newly refurbished hostel in beautiful surroundings with explorable caves on foot outside the door. The hostel is also active dog to use as "Caveguide, only here he seems to have suspected The caves are full of water. Above the caves, it was also quite nice: there is the aptly called Rock Forest.
Near Whangarei, we have made a Walk, a Kauri forest led to the "most FotoGenic" declared waterfall.
went from here `s on to Paihia, where we chartered a sailboat to explore the Bay of Islands. In summer the place is totally crowded, now in the winter, nothing's wrong, even though the temperatures were still quite summery and suitable for swimming (German equivalent: December 6).
the sailing trip ended in Russell. This is the first city in New Zealand, then decried as an absolute hell hole, pirates nest and refuge for all sorts of broken lives.
Russell, accordingly, the hotel is home to the most ancient pubs permission (No. 1), where we took a bite us and inadvertently included in the French club were. Of Roland Club meets every Thursday in front of the fireplace, so exactly where we were two clueless and suddenly were kindly welcomed in French. One of the ladies had even studied in Mainz and lived for a while.
We went through the supposedly world's best Fish & Chips Shop in Mangonui (actually quite good) and the 90 Mile Beach (actually rather 88km) to Cape Reinga. The beach is part of the official road network of New Zealand, but with caution, many backpackers here involuntarily takes leave of his car. Every now and then dip it then as a rusty old memories again.
More importantly, however, the second to Mark Visit to Cape Reinga. The first was rained off and the visibility was zero. This time we were lucky! At Cape Reinga, the northernmost point of New Zealand's unofficial walk back the souls of the deceased in the underworld and the nature offers a unique spectacle: The meeting of two oceans (the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea). A beautiful lighthouse rounds the whole thing and the approach is no longer difficult to tackle: the entire route is paved recently.

We do after the visit to the region and by application only visitable, but recommended whale museum again in the south. The route takes us now on the other side of the Northlands down to Hokianga Harbour, where Christine takes up her first trip with the car on a ferry.
Unfortunately, there is the San Marco Hostel in Opononi not known, the former hosts are still visiting and be happy if the memory is hazy. We stay in Omapere and break the next day with the ferry to the huge sand dune to sand boarding on and explore.
afternoon it goes into the Kauri forest. The giant trees are very impressive. The largest living Kauribaum is about 2000 years old and after the Maori god Tane Mahuta named. Tane Mahuta is one of the children of Rangi and Papa (Heaven and Earth), which were wrapped tightly up their children in the dark until Tane pushed them apart and thus created the modern world. Tane is about 52m is not the tallest tree in the world but because of the special form of the kauri trees certainly one of the most impressive. It is said that another local leader, but know more secret Kauri. Something
further away is the zweitgößte Kauribaum (Father of the Forest), which because of its larger size (16.5 m) is even more impressive. In its vicinity are the Four Sisters, four kauri trees, which stand together very closely. After their visit we had to hurry and have just escaped the storm yet.
On the way back we visited another Kauri Museum in Matakohe. A Must-See! Here you can see how big some of the cowries were felled. In contrast, takes Tane from quite small.
Complete kauri logging history is more than clear and sometimes presented very loving. One can almost touch everything, and much is reproduced with models or in real and moving. Wood panels of all possible species that pass through the entire museum, at least for those interested is a real highlight. And who wants to can take for $ 10 a small kauri. In only about 2000 years ago is likely to impress the descendants then. In Mark age a Kauri looks like this:
The last stop, almost back in Auckland, leads us to Piha - a more than famous surfing beach with the Lions Rock. The waves are powerful and very dangerous act. In the Piha Rescue own reality TV show that is being filmed on the beach, we can not play, unfortunately, we had to throw into the water and save to make. On this beach there is the most deadly accidents in New Zealand.
This is the end of last summer impression we could enjoy again, and we are moving back towards the south and it is much colder.
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The Pacific coast is densely populated and the climate is far more pleasant. As for rain general terms, I really wanted to write this here it rains in the morning and never just this morning I experienced the first time: a rain early in the morning so it started at 8 clock. And that lasted unusually long, about 1 1 / 2 hours, but he was not violent, according to a German rain, as we know it.
Normal there is, with such exceptions, always in the afternoon, if at all, and then it rains mostly between 14-16 Clock, usually violently, usually 10 minutes to half an hour. Wonderful, I enjoy that!
are In the lowlands, temperatures average between 24-26 ° C at night, by day 28 ° C to 32 ° C, in the middle of my barometer almost always around 28-29 ° C, usually in the morning at 26 ° C with a humidity of 60-80%, the same evening. But temperatures should not be seen as absulut size, critical the winds (wind chill, see Wikipedia) and the humidity.
runs with me always a fan (the house) when I'm sitting on the terrace, I need some wind (breeze), if it is to be pleasant, because strong winds are barely here, storms I never seen, known severe weather, as in Europe, it is not here. At night I have a small air conditioner in the bedroom, but the point of hardly sufficient for even a ventilator at night and fans need little power (50W / h), but without at least a ventilator at night is not it pleasant.
What I lack is a swimming pool, but that's another story, I'm going to have a To build because it is very pleasant moments when one is several times a day to jump in. can (and healthy).
course, that you do not need hot water for baths and showers, which would be a significant expense. And how often one takes a shower a day, is individual, most people here once a day. It is primarily for the refreshment.
Now for the mosquitoes. The normal mosquitoes are far more rare here than in Spain for example, in my experience, flying less than in Germany. But even robbed a mosquito in the bedroom one night. So I think it is this: The first year I had as a rookie undefiled a mosquito net, but I was not really cause a nuisance, even though locals (in the country) have such a Moscitera often. Then I slept long time without Moscitera, but was bitten by the mosquitoes at night, which pleased my body not in the beginning, but later stitches, my body will hardly registered.
I do it now as my neighbor Just before bedtime I inject a little fly spray, a compromise, since then absolute silence. In the evening I put out once in a smoke-tip, do not accept the beasts also (I do it but also because I love the smell). You must also know that a fly or mosquito no breeze may, therefore, never staying with fans running to carry as little in cool air conditioning.
Returning to the roofs, you will see for yourself when you come to Panama that night (illuminated) terraces are widely used because it is cooler and more comfortable outside than inside (if you will not necessarily television). And then look at the light sources to immediately notify the geckos. I will, for example by burning a 5 Watt bulb at night, I see no flies or mosquitoes as well, but always present are 1-2 geckos.
No, no escape into the house because many or too many mosquitoes. Mosquitoes and flies - and I emphasize it again - here are very few and not a pest. Who says such things, talking nonsense. a fly-wire lining the outside, but no one here but I will try again: A good suggestion I'll check it out at my new house is even.
As for the dengue mosquito concerned that there is, of course, my neighbor, I asked after today, because this really is not something else, she has described to me exactly, but it has not yet seen, except in pictures. But the risk is small, because this guy looks for pools or standing water bodies (standing water reservoirs, so bucket of water or moist plant pots. Ponds are to be avoided and therefore to be avoided and if Here's a puddle somewhere, forms the same day authorities are quick to the point, which must immediately be corrected and avoided.
the way: There are Vorbeugeinjektionen against it, but I myself have not paid any prevention ever, even in Spain and not because the mosquito problem is relatively large and uncomfortable. Do not make everyone like me.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010
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has Anonymous said ...
Very instructive. Which really means in other words, if you're married to a Panamanian / Panamesin one has right to live, right?
And if you can separate it, then how is the situation?
this comment I once moved here to post the answer, because an interesting topic in the context of possible immigration. And certainly there are still questions about that later, so please write to me then.
Basically, a marriage in Panama for a foreigner is nothing in the way, not even the passport is to be submitted, because it will require an ID card, you must be 18 and not allowed to be HIV positive. Further details, as in Germany certainly necessary in such instance is when a part of foreigners, I do not know, such must not be presented here.
The couple goes to the notary who takes two witnesses, and they married. The certificate is proof that one is married.
As far as the formal act .
There are two types of marriage: 1 love marriage and 2 Form of marriage. What is the will, I will explain shortly.
need to love match It probably no further comment, at least in formal terms, but a Panamesin a woman (I speak of the European men) is certainly believe we Europeans who have married such a woman, is always preferable, and not the worst choice for men who ever had bad luck earlier, to put it very mildly. Panamesinnen stand on such men, age differences are virtually negligible, only in passing, I will not digress. However, I can because of my years of experience here a lot to say, yes, very much, especially since I already know very well both mentalities. But that is not here.
But the form of marriage, you guessed it surely must be something more accurate to say. There are not meeting many reasons why those who seek men (also women), the immigration requirements to Panama. But who is engaged to a Panamesin has, after marrying a Residencia, an unlimited residence permit, he can not be expelled against their will.
That is, his marriage must be provided by the corresponding marriage certificate in order to also get a Panamanian identity card in other words, who wants to obtain a formal marriage without love, the residence status. The pass formally declared his unlimited residence permit.
will not bind everyone, it could still find something better .... Joking aside. One marriage and a few days later can be divorced. The woman who allows these two acts would be paid to what everyone understands, but it is within the scope and affordable. You pay a fee for marriage and the other for divorce. Possible doubt, " but if that is not more then a divorce can , you can safely leave aside because of marriage anyway hardly any right can be derived, as already is a fee (for divorce) is much more important.
Such an approach, while accepting the law in this form before (no law provides for such a thing), but it is also the law and nothing in the way is perfectly legal, as I explained my legal friends. In addition is also clear that there is no proof of such an act, it is free will, which the bridal couple (marriage) has, or the couple (divorce) has. Logical that both acts are not illegal acts.
I could write here at this point almost novels, but because of the wealth of individual facts and circumstances, I leave it at times this information.
So now you ask me, if you further want to know. I'm sure no expert, but I know the relevant legal experts who give me any information. Even so, I can help you then, confidentiality is of course ......
Monday, June 21, 2010
Groping On The Bus Or Train Clips
, everything was high-rocked, as Borchert had fought with brash statements and the wrath of demigods in black fanned arrest in Germany, Interpol has also turned to the goal: Immediate arrest and extradition to Germany. "all a lie," says Borchert , "at this point I no longer was in Germany. "
The immediate arrest was, according to the court in the case of Hans Borchert under Panamanian law already prohibited, for persons over 70 years of age shall not under Panamanian law be taken into custody, forbidding the law and respect for human dignity. (The are here Panama much further in the criminal law in Germany, note of the commentator )
addition would be added that there is no spouse, who is married to a Panamanian, shown against his will from the country or extradited may be, independent of a possible crime. This reason alone, would have the judges, led to the non-extradition. pouts
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One must remember that one, too has obligations in two places when you talk, for example, in both places have a house or wants to keep rented. There are several ways to solve the problem, or let's say to be solved with compromise. And there are some interesting ideas and thoughts that I would like to discuss here.
somebody makes the suggestion that the larger container (40GP container 67m3-27t) to take the floor area of 12mx 2.30m, with the note, then could the car with you, because the extra freight costs were lower in all cases to rent for months as a car on site. Aggravating this is that we would have an additional space and freight costs for container doors were not material. Not bad, even a useful idea!
for creation of 5 small but exclusive Ferienbun-galows for tourists, Europeans and Americans, upscale inn mode, investment of 150,000 €, yield about 12% p. a (tax free). I would take a personal guarantee for , mortgage security possible. known
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The reorganization of the department store chain Karstadt appears with the bid award to Nicolas Berggruen settled, the negotiations are over, the rents continue to apply.
Lutz Getzschmann
Published in: Jungle World, 06/17/2010
On Tuesday of last week's rescue of the Karstadt department store chain has announced. The insolvency manager Klaus Hubert Görg beamed. to "We have a magnifying glass after the substance sought in this company, but we found nothing significant,"new owner of the chain Nicolas Berggruen,: Ten months ago he had a rather bleak picture of the location of the Arcandor Group drawn. a German-American financial investor rather creative blank, it was reported frequently about the origin and mentality in the past few days. He ought to be a dandy, a man driven by a patron in search of a social mission.
Berggruen plans by his own admission, get the department store chain as possible and to secure jobs. A redevelopment concept is to decentralize are to open the store managers greater scope to decide. The needs of regional customers to take more account of the range should be designed accordingly. Berggruen has announced it will invest 240 million euros from its own funds to make the Karstadt stores more attractive. Even the houses are to be glamorous.
Whether such a strategy is, however, is questionable. First, the traditional department store is actually on the way out, shopping centers and department stores division have him run out in many areas of the place. Reinforced this downward trend by Internet shops. Although sales made in the Internet mail order last year, only four percent of total retail sales from, but the growth rates are enormous.
One problem is the tarnished not only for the Karstadt chain, including her rival Kaufhof is struggling with declining sales. In view of this structural crisis of the Saarbrücken economist Joachim Zentes promoted media attention, the merger of Kaufhof and Karstadt "to a" German department store AG. It assumes that there is only a department store in Germany to survive there. Zentes bases his reasoning primarily on their own investigations showing that will forfeit the urban department stores by 2015 from about 40 to 50 percent market share.
Such a merger seems to be now but a distant memory. The attempt to get rid the Metro Group, Kaufhof stores profitably in this way is thus also postponed for now. To allow a merger had to Berggruen also the real estate consortium bid on High Street and eventually pulled the short straw. Without the option of a department store AG could now delay the Metro last forced separation of Kaufhof. Potential buyers such as Blackstone and Permira are likely to re-evaluate their bids once suspected Jürgen Elfers, an analyst at Commerzbank.
Berggruen rather general work commitments and often rumored allegation that he received the main reason the contract because he had demanded as the only potential buyer is not a victim of the employees let him over his rather opaque bidders, the High Street Consortium and the private equity firm Triton look nice. Nevertheless, should the long-term employees are demanded new victims. It is expected that the agreed standards will be further reduced. The pressure to increase the rate of profit is too great and the opportunity to be favorable, for fear for the jobs could make the councils into submission. This is clearly illustrated by the example of the Kaufhof department store group, where in April the Executive Committee of the General Works an "alliance for employment guarantee" offered, which includes, among other things an increase in weekly working time 37.5 to 42 hours - without compensation. Despite a slight decline in sales Kaufhof succeeded in the past financial year to generate increasing profits. The management does try to exploit the situation for the competition, arguing Karstadt went through the reorganization agreement and tax breaks cost advantages, the need Kaufhof as well.
Regardless of such possible consequences for the employees floats but still the threat of the destruction of the chain. As part of the excitement about the new investor could be the salvation of Karstadt be a little has been announced prematurely. The conclusion of the contract of sale with Berggruen is conditional agreement with the real estate consortium High Streets bound - that very consortium against the Berggruen had only last week set by the Takeover Poker. In 2007, the then Arcandor CEO Thomas Middelhoff, 86 sold a total of 120 properties in Karstadt High Street, specifically to suspicious unfavorable conditions for Karstadt. Last year, the deal led to the initiation of an investigation.
pay Under existing contracts must Karstadt this year 268 million euros rent for the houses that are owned by High Street. The landlord is willing to reduce that amount in 2010 to 210 million, Berggruen but calls for further rent reductions. Behind High Street is the U.S. investment bank Goldman Sachs, which holds a 51 percent stake in the consortium, other partners are the German and Italian companies Borletti Bank, Generali and Pirelli. The consortium is aware of its key role of course aware of the Karstadt department reorganization and occurs accordingly.
that the rent for Karstadt to the existence question illustrates the attitude of the Essen district court. On Thursday last week, it postponed its decision on the bankruptcy plan at 16 July, on the grounds that they wanted the talks to the Berggruen Karstadt landlord consortium Wait. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung ties High Street possible concessions to the condition that "Berggruen among employees, at least more flexible and longer hours interspersed." The landlord was not clear what exactly would Berggruen, High Street still widespread in the past week. »High Street is willing to further rent reductions of 230 million euros over the next five years, in addition" to the already in bankruptcy reorganization plan promised contribution of 160 million euros over three years, had a spokesman for the consortium on 8 June said, this offer but also constitutes a threat: "If the current offer for all bidders to Rent reductions is not accepted, the probability of liquidation increases significantly from Karstadt. "
Monday, June 14, 2010
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the Tongariro National Park, we have to leave a tip on the Forgotten World Highway towards New Plymouth.
on this adventurous journey we are sometimes just become citizens of the Republic of Whangamomona and have undertaken to diligently smile (pretty hard when you travel through New Zealand happy ;-) Every two years here, Independence Day is celebrated. The village is home to thirty soul then thousands of visitors, will be competitive in Possumhäuten and pigs wearing. Unfortunately, we missed the Independence Day a few months and therefore had the newspaper articles on signs in the hotel believe that the Republic has won this event spectacle various awards. Most particularly, we must consider ourselves fortunate that our passports have a fairly readable signature of the current president. The previous one was not because of his race (Ziege!) able to write. Otherwise, there were top prospects cool tunnel (Hobbit-tunnel) and the largest waterfall in the North Island.
Ah yes, the evenings we spent with-Wasgij puzzles. One puzzling unfortunately what we see, for example, but what happened shortly after the picture on the cover is. Christine did not give up, so we have actually extended so a night. As a reward, we have "taken" another sunset, are rumgefahren around the mountain (makes you better in the summer because there was now dead trousers) and have discovered the real bread and the arms market crashed due to unexpected weight almost to the ground .
Next stop Waitomo. Call 0800-GRN GLW!
behind "Green Glow" represents the world's best cave adventure (at least all that we know). With our guide Paul are we (and only us!) Herumgekraxelt a day in and around its Caves including Abseiling (up to 30m), Durchquetschings, Packed in Glühwürmchenlicht.

In contrast to the thrill-providers (Cave rafting, etc.) it provides a complete introduction to caving, in clean and dry Clothes (at least initially). The intensity increases with each minute, until Mark had almost given up in the narrowest gap. By squeezing but was rewarded with a cave and a fluorescent stalactites. All images were taken with our camera! In very basic hostel, there was the way the friendliest cat ever.
via a short stop in Auckland, where we replenish stocks and a little worried about our car had (coming soon in the car-blog), it went further into the Northland ...
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4 to 0 (in words of four to zero) for Germany against Australia, we have seen it:
The night before the hostel published the season ...

But still: at 6:20 the next morning we are ready, with a large coffee, a thermos tea, a blanket (yes, it has gotten cold!), Fruit breakfast and the trip flag! Bad is that we still out the door on the other side of the road This is because the game will be shown in the office. The TV is acceptable in size and no one here excited about the Vuvuzuelas (?) On * g *.

Friday, June 11, 2010
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The crisis is driving at the weekend once again the people on the street. It's less about claims as an attempt to establish more offensive protest.
comment by Lutz Getzschmann
"We do not pay for your crisis" The theme is nothing more than a helpless letter of intent, if only because we will just pay for the crisis - and that's not too tight. However, it has become a running joke left mobilization professionals, their resistance against the passing of the crisis burden on wage earners and want to show the unemployed. Also on Saturday will again go against the savings of thousands of government plans on the road. Stuttgart and Berlin are the places to which is mobilized nationwide. The claims of the call center are more defensive in nature and in part contradictory. They oscillate between Keynesianism and anti-capitalism, financial sector regulation and radical reduction of working hours. They are a mixture from which everyone can pick out something with the will but no one really happy. On Indymedia, then, all have voices that encourage provocative to on 12 June would prefer to populate the lakes, rather than to a "dwarf Demo" the "state-supporting left to participate."
For those who still refer to the social realities, the question arises, what should it be the alternative to this kind protests crisis. Set fire to garbage containers? A letter box blow up? Or organize one of those little fine Demos' work for wages, "is the radical left which together?
Many leftists have become accustomed to making their participation in this or that demonstration depends on whether they like the call, and less of what is actually the cause. This critical view of ideology, in which arises only satisfied if at the end of a hearty "For the Kommunsimus," stands, has long since degenerated into Klimbim identity. It is folklore that has to do with a radical critique of social relations any more, because they can not relate to real social movement. A recommendation could instead: go, mitdemonstrieren critical if it requires the spiritual welfare, even with its own flyer or banner. It is crucial to existing struggles involved, even if they are still so depressing and weak. Radicalization processes start in a place where people experience and thereby provide concrete seemingly self-evident in question. Do not start reading the Leaflet, which reveals the fetish figures of the capitalist relations of production, or a visit to the capital-reading course. This step may come later.
On Saturday, it is not the DGB and the union leadership of IG Metall and Verdi, who go on the road, no all-powerful machines that are struggling with mass mobilizations to representation and acceptance within the sphere of power. These are the parts of the trade unions that are oriented to social mobilization, together with Attac, various migrant organizations and unemployed groups. The calling and mobilizing trade union branches have understood that it is for them Canned is lost. Even last year, the DGB unions are again declined by more than 100 000 members. Against the impending crash that moving to a culture of aggressive protest requires a change to the trade union apparatus is apparently not able to. Where the left-oriented forces to help the movement, the way out of the negotiating rooms and back rooms to find back on the road, they also help themselves
Published in: Jungle World, 10 June 2010