This is one of many Responses that I modified it a bit generalized.
"I have only a small pension, nothing else can. From 720 € pension in Europe I do not own (decent) and independent live apart from the climate, I do not like it. My problem is that I have no children or relatives, take me could in a Dachstuebchen. In a nursing home I want Fruehrentnerin than not, but even this is not enough to my pension. Moreover, I feel too young for a life in a nursing home, not to mention it. I'm in a dead end ...."
No, you are not at an impasse , provided your company and love of life still exists. For this description fits many American (single ) pensioners as well, they usually have in most cases less than 800 € a month, note that is between U.S. $ 600-1100 Pension (please! U.S. dollars), for the U.S. pension system is far worse than the European one.
is amazing that many Americans have retired and retired women, mostly still single, so the U.S. can not live well, settled in Panama. Your rhythm: permanently in Panama, Panama or 8-10 months, continuous or divided by 1 to 2 year old visit your relatives in their homeland. Yes, dear friends of Panama, which is to do well. Read closer to life in Panama (particularly with regard to the cost of living) on my website:
I write a lot of Older travelers from Germany, Switzerland and Austria to (only to name even the German) have a small pension. In addition, they are often alone, but with your small pension but livable live in a beautiful climate would like.
Is that possible in Panama.
, for example, you can also get together to rent a small house together (it does not have to buy something), and so it may come together 1200 euros a month income.
I can tell you that they live here This heavenly (and not "Primitive") when considering only once the financial aspect alone, because the financial side happens to be the starting point of all other considerations.
I will gladly help you. Write me or post a brief comment, I can bring you together with like-minded people. Subscribe to best my blog, then you are always informed.
are together very strongly and retirees and small can make your dreams of a beautiful livable retirement realize in Panama.
Cheer up!
Then it works already!
Merry Christmas
your Ramiro Arena
I have pretty specific ideas from a small German town (now nice, quiet property is available) from send about 10 small bungalows, but I lack the capital for it to finance it. Let's see, maybe is a retired (or several together), as able to raise 180,000 euros, for then he has allowed a pension of 10 x 120 €, so € 1,200 monthly, there would be the ideal case, and even along with a good return on a reasonable rent for each tenant / lessee.
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