Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Eyes Different Sizes Yahoo

Emigration or permanent vacation?

this issue is one of the most common since, I post once a modified and generalized response to a reader Communication.

As the requirements for an official Residencia ( * ) can not fulfill because your seed capital and your income is low, remains only an unofficial way, which is also perfectly legal and is recommended by me, in principle, because it eliminates all unnecessary obstacles, and only thus ultimately Emigration is affordable and possible. Coming up but nowhere on the Internet, because the emigrant luminaries who hardly know where is Panama, the only official nachquatschen Salm, they've read somewhere on the Internet in your attic in Germany, then present other than their knowledge ( ** ).

are available for the holiday period there is virtually no rules, so you will read about it anywhere and anything. And why make statements about all the great commentators in the tens of discussion forums do not even because your wise advice are useless. I criticize this because you can find expert information only from itself emigrants.

is a fact: You can stay in Panama for 3 months as a time traveler. Then you must apply for a further 3 months to extend your stay for another 3 months. You have to prove that you have the means to life for the following 3 months are available. $ 3,000 for 3 month it will be sufficient.
refuge after these 6 months, then once a short vacation in Costa Rica for a couple days and come back again, then you have the option for a further 3 +3 months. And all this is completely without any administrative events, with no official stuff and spasm and bureaucracy.

And During this time you lay down the foundations for independence and, for example establishing a Panama company, if required, depends on the business. This then forms the Basis for your permanent residence after this time.

proceed So you spared all the stress and bustle and an opaque Behördenkram within specified deadlines. For only site you will learn in this time, what other possibilities (and there are some) are for the rest of the official residence or emigration.
Merry Christmas

greeting Ramiro

*)) A certificate confirming the status of a pensioner, either by foreign governments (eg pension certificate), international organizations or private companies that he received a pension of not less than $ 1,000 per month, or the equivalent in foreign currency is replaced. For each dependent person (spouse, children) to prove another 250 dollars.
This is the classic case of a visa authorities for pensioner in Panama, called "Tourista Pensionado" (actually nothing other than a permanent residence, only officially ).
remarkable: Even certificates issued by private companies (pension, etc.) are considered as evidence. (**) There are also those cunning Meier, who pretend to write to you from Panama, but not in Panama. .


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