to the preservation of jobs is to serve it: The federal government has extended the working hours scheme until March 2012. Operators may therefore continue to reduce labor costs with government help. To get to the subsidies, some also access to illegal means.
Published in: Jungle World of 12 August 2010
But even in the shrinking core staff, the crisis has left its mark. Apparently the worst is already over. But according to calculations by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) 481 000 workers still make short work. Thus the short-workers and workers are not only significant financial burden, and the psychological effect can not be underestimated: the wage earners are unsure. If a company is running short-time working, wage demands are considered unreasonable, the aufmucken against poor working conditions is almost impossible - the prospect of unemployment disciplined employees. The fear in and around the workplace has increased obviously, in January and February of sick leave was lower than in previous months, the proportion of the common cold to the sick leave remained remarkably low.
What is the view of the wage earners wage theft and the barely veiled threat of job loss, offers companies especially the opportunity to a large extent, the wage cut costs - a gift from the federal government, which was gratefully accepted. The subscription period of partial unemployment benefits during the crisis was prolonged to 18 months, the application procedure was simplified. In the first six months of reduced working hours to take the agencies for working half the contributions to social security, report from the seventh month, it it completely. For employees, participate during working hours in training, social security contributions are also accepted at 100 percent. Thus, the training industry experienced a boom in the midst of crisis.
partial unemployment benefits until the end of this year paid if less than a third of employees is affected by wage losses. Companies that do not meet the so-called third requirement can, so short-time compensation to individual employees as shall have a charge loss of more than ten percent of their monthly gross salary. These wage subsidies are not cheap. This year alone, the BA is expecting a cost of 4.4 billion euros.
The Federal Government, backed by the short work in 2009 and 2010 over 300 000 full-time positions. The measures not only enjoyed great support among the public and the trade unions, but were of course used extensively by businesses. At peak times, reported 60 000 enterprises for up to 1.5 million wage earners working hours. Many companies can also tactically, as has come to realize even the chairman of the CDU / CSU in the Bundestag, Michael Fuchs: In Germany, in areas still being worked briefly, in which the same skill shortages prevailed, he said last week, the ARD . "Since are companies that stash a little bit of their employees and do not these "dismissed on the labor market, suspected fox. Legal is still such an approach, the federal government invites the company to continue even a formally about this: She recently extended the large short-time working arrangements by the end of March 2012.
That means many companies also act illegally, to obtain grants, is now well known. By Werner Eichhorst Institute for the Study of Labor in Bonn criticized a year ago in the world the government's strategy: "You have to see it increasingly critical that the short-time work is subsidized so strong at simultaneous reduction of the eligibility requirements. "The policy had created an instrument," that opens the door for windfall profits, but "for abuse. Given the extensive development work agencies could not even consider the applications in detail and do not control the actual application. The company had been the policy of virtually forced into the short-time working, criticized Eichhorst.
urging you had it but hardly. What is certain is that the agencies handled the work permits and controls more than negligent. A mere 0.9 percent of requests for reduced working hours were rejected. These If it is obvious cases audacity. Was sufficient as a hockey club that had not reached the play-off round, a request for his game. A golf course owner would send his employees in the short work - due to bad weather. Who are some serious concerns posed as an entrepreneur, however, apparently did.
is now of some 1 500 suspected cases of fraud in connection with short-subsidized job since June 2009, the question being investigated 850 companies. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the authorities were present after 288 suspected cases, which had the highest number in all provinces, said a spokeswoman for the BA. Often, the time accounts were being manipulated: How Entrepreneurs, for example, held to their employees, like to unsubscribe to the regular end of the shift with the time cards, but then continue working. Raimund Becker of the board of BA, however, hastened to assure that suspected cases represented a "tiny minority". This statement is intended to soothe, but can also imagine cases remain unreported. For the same authority that is grown so naive, still had in July 2009 complaint that was to uncover, especially in smaller companies without a works hardly a fraud. "Abuse can take place only in companies in which Workers 'and employers' arrange, it was then called on the part of BA. For the agencies, it was then impossible to detect illegal activities. The fact that employers and employees "simply arrange" is, however, highly unlikely. Probably exert more pressure on company managers to their staff.
indicated under these circumstances, the fact that so far was actually only one company convicted of fraud with subsidies rather than on a very small percentage of fraud cases down, but rather that the authorities do not know for sure. When the company was caught is a small metal-working Companies in Baden-Wuerttemberg. There, former employees gave the prosecutor a notice, the plant was raided by 30 officials for six hours. The company had received partial unemployment benefits for more than 200 employees, a total of several hundred thousand euros. Here, the employees had worked full time. The management will now pay 11 000 euros penalty.
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