Saturday, May 15, 2010

Vidios De Big Mamas Gigantescas

curfew in Panama

by Ramiro Arena, Panama

The unconventional for his style of government and yet in the whole population very popular president of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, has for the coming Sunday, the 16th May 2010, adopted during the period from 3:00 bis 17:00 clock clock a strict curfew. People who are found at this time outside the home (apartment) may be subjected to severe penalties. The total road rests at this time, driving is prohibited, except the police, the holiday has lock and ambulances, as well as persons with colored thumb.

Only in this way would ensure that a census (Census 2010) and nearly realistic results show, the President. Tens of thousands of volunteers have in the clock from 7:00 bis 17:00 clock move and take the data in the houses.

On the data sheets of each citizen to leave his thumbprint next to his instructions. This "stained fingers" right then to leave the house again, because the citizens must exercise its census duty. The police are called on to monitor all citizens encountered then.

The citizens of the very liberal Panama without discussion show understanding for the orders of their president, following the adoption. After the last census in 2000, Panama had 3.5 million inhabitants. This figure might be now grown to several hundred thousand citizens. Added to an estimated there are around half a million illegals, almost all Chinese and Colombians will certainly be what come to escape from this census, but that is not made them easy.


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