Monday, November 30, 2009

Property Rates In Kharghar 2011

poverty acceleration plans

the argument about tax cuts and other measures the new government appears far more benign than expected. That should change when the long-agreed "debt brake" effect. is

Before the elections it had become standard repertoire of left-of all stripes to warn of the "social cruelty," which would commit a conservative-liberal government, would get the CDU and FDP a majority in the Bundestag. Meanwhile, everyone waits to get started with the privatizing, the co-emphasize the social benefits and other measures as they are credited above all, the FDP.

The appointment of Dirk Niebel the Minister for Economic Cooperation and the announcement of the new health minister completely Phi-lipp Rösler, the health insurance system redesign-dig to do left, guess whose interests in the future could be more than ever be encouraged. It was expected the worst. But still is not clear when the so-called capitation fee is introduced, and over-all seems to be the momentum of the FDP have declined markedly since the coalition negotiations. Small volume you will probably have to admit that for the big litter currently simply do not have the money.

What was still apparent in the disputes over tax cuts, the ideological wall development in the crisis management policy, which was accompanied by the new majorities. At least in theory-the market seems radical belief in miracles, in the place rechtskeynesianischer support policy to be entered. The legislation on tax breaks for businesses and BES server serving, these seem to animate, with investments and endless shopping tours to boost the domestic economy. This saw the legislation as a Keynesian "Economics as" Peter Bofinger to dry. "Wealthy and Rich Trying but no longer because they have a few hundred euros have in the account"

The Social Darwinists in the FDP and isolated are also in the CDU / CSU, although in the minority against the "moderate" to Civil Merkel and Seehofer, the issue is currently almost the better sera Social Democrats. But we know will work since the summer of Economic Affairs on plans that they should be implemented, would have drastic consequences for the functioning of the state.

Given one almost suspects a strategy behind the current restraint. The black-yellow coalition is likely to also have been aware that SPDler, trade unionists, members of the Left parties and social movements have been waiting on being able to protest against anti-social measures and laws. Maybe they did not want to do this favor and the opposition also designed so the 'Growth Acceleration Act "harmless than suggested by the impressive name was.
Sure, the benefits are decided entirely animated by the spirit of bourgeois political patronage, and it is boldly presented as serving the common good, which benefit the higher income groups benefit. Example, are "the Families "primarily due to higher tax allowances" relieved "the level of increase for each child from 6 024 to 7008 €. This will benefit the better-off, because only they can make such a large sum in their tax return. Only from a taxable annual income of more than 63 391 Eu-ro is the tax advantage of the exemption more than offset by the increased child benefit by 20 €.

also envisages the "growth acceleration law," many changes of the greats of the coalition before 2008, adopted the corporate tax reform. It aims to simplify business, tax-reducing losses to be asserted. Heirs to benefit from tax cuts, especially heirs of companies. Accommodation costs will in future only be charged with seven per cent VAT, which will benefit the hotel business men kom. These and other measures for each specific groups amount to a total of 8.4 billion euros, of which not quite sure where you want to take it.

According to the coalition agreement will not increase the employer contribution towards health insurance premiums from 2011 and pay all employees the same contribution, no matter how much they earn. Also for the education sector plans were aimed at the monetization and long-term leave run out of free education. So-called local education alliances should "training vouchers" for distribution to poorer children and young people receive. Also to be set up from 150 euros for each newborn child an account with a starting balance, to be paid to the majority of its premiums. CDU and FDP are also planning a system of grants and incentives for students. Training vouchers, learning accounts, bonuses, grants - who will not hear everything as is, apparently by credit-point mischief of the new German university system already desensitized.

Although these are now mainly intent. Also awaiting such and further measures still a foundation of legitimacy. It is foreseeable, however, that this year by the grand coalition in the Basic Law and not overly attention "debt brake" legitimize "so all sorts will. Even over the next year, therefore must le structural deficit be reduced by 2016 it may be allowed for the federal government is only just under ten billion euros. This is made possible deliberately to get rid of the reference to basic legal constraints and the very theoretical risk of national bankruptcy all social Klimbim.

First, the "debt brake has been agreed." Now, the taxes, so government revenues, reduced considerably. Greater will be forced, zusammenzustreichen from 2011 spending. This could also affect areas and governmental matters that have not stood up for discussion. "
The program of transition to" lean state was of officials from the Federal Economics Ministry worked out this summer, fell a few months ago from a drawer and took the title of "industrial policy concept." After violent reactions distanced himself, the then Federal Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg of the document, but also announced an on his staff that his company is developing a comprehensive concept. The authors have in the material collection for nearly every financial and economic policy Area requirements listed, which would amount to encourage companies, particularly tax.

contrast, should the VAT on food, newspapers and cultural objects to be raised again. Also in the health and environment policy, policies must meet the business community, it said in the concept. Specifically, proposed among other things that just do not take effect, which entered the corporate tax reform in part reversed and change the business tax for the benefit of entrepreneurs. In addition, the contributions would have "the social as much as possible decoupled from the cost of labor."

As for the labor market, Ver criticized the comprehensive minimum wage as an obstacle to the creation of jobs and demand more "flexi-ibility" in employment contracts. Some of it is found already to be in the coalition agreement, others would come into effect next year, when the face of empty coffers and the "debt brake" the big clean up begins.

Published in Jungle World, 26/11/2009

Beautifulagony Similar

Soooooo, now I have a blog and then I should not be such do things like him not to upgrade for 15 months. In the Meanwhile, I published some articles in the Jungle World, the SCO and the leaves of the iz3w. Most are already out of date. Nevertheless, at least, I refer again to my Jungle World article: 22lutz =%% 22% 20getzschmann